Sunday, May 16, 2010

Words Of Wisdom

they say the early bird gets the worm
but think that
also the early worm gets the bird
so its up to you to decide
whether to be the bird or the worm
you could just wake up late
and drop the subject

Monday, April 26, 2010


Congratulations on being the creator of a new

Evil Plan (tm)!

Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation.

Your motive is a little bit more complex: Sadistic pleasure

Stage One

To begin your plan, you must first traumatize a superman. This will cause the world to sense a grave disturbance in the force, terrified by your arrival. Who is this despoiler of all that is good and nice and true? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in classic black?

Stage Two

Next, you must vaporize the moon (ooh, tides!). This will all be done from a floating fortress, a mysterious place of unrivaled dark glory. Upon seeing this, the world will fall into catatonic trances, as countless hordes of evil clowns hasten to do your every bidding.

Stage Three

Finally, you must let loose your great supernatural forces, bringing about an end to sanity. Your name shall become synonymous with horror, and no man will ever again dare make you clean your room. Everyone will bow before your cunning intelligence, and the world will have no choice but to elect you dictator for life.

Monday, March 22, 2010

أبو نواس

سأُعطيكِ الرّضا، وأموتُ غَمّاً

سأُعطيكِ الرّضا، وأموتُ غَمّاً، و أسكتُ لا أغمّكِ بالعتابِ
عهِدْتُكِ مرّة ً تَنْوينَ وَصْلي، وأنْتِ اليَوْمَ تهْوينَ اجْتنابي
وغَيّرَكِ الزّمانُ، وكلُّ شيءٍ يصيرُ إلة التّغيرِ والذهابِ
فإنْ كانَ الصّوابُ لدَيْكِ هجْري، فَعَمّاكِ الإلهُ عَنِ الصّوابِ

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I still remember that conversation we had some 2 years ago
I guess he was asking that question casually
"You know we love you" he said
"No" was my answer

the sad part is
he never did anything about it

what a pitty

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

مختارات من فؤاد حداد

وشاح الآه

إلى خيرى شلبى

غريقاً تمنيت أرضاً... فكانت
تمنيت أن أتضح ... فكنت

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

حتى يأذن الله بالرحيل

حسناً لست كما أُبدى
لا أخفيك سراً لست بمثل هذا الإسترخاء
القلق لا يترك لى منفذ
ضقت ذرعاً بهذا الهراء
أكاد أصرخ و لكن ... متى انصلح حالاً بالعواء
أهم بتحطيم أى شئ ف احتار
ماذا أجنى سوى مشقة جمع الشظايا

إذاً هو السكوت حتى يأذن الله بالرحيل

Friday, February 12, 2010


مصر جايبه مارشدير و مش باصه ف المرايه
و بصراحه كده مش هاممها الناس اللى اتفرمت تحت العجل

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


أنا عندى حنين

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I've been wining for months now about not finding a job and when i finally get a decent job offer i only went for a day which went alright for a fresher, then as soon as i set foot at home i suddenly get this overwhelming feeling and decide i won't go to that work again

whats wrong!!